When I was young, my father—who worked for McDonnell Douglas—would take me to LAX to watch the planes. It was a steady stream of lights, sounds, and smells (it’s a potpourri of jet exhaust and burning rubber) that enthralled me as a child. Airplanes still fascinate me, and this series is an homage to him and the memories of watching them go by for hours, bringing starry-eyed and weary travelers from all over the world to Los Angeles—one screaming airliner at a time.

 The Technical

Taken both during the day and night, long exposures render the planes as speeding bullets, or as streaks of illumination. This series is about the abstract idea of a plane—the speed, the power, the sheer force of engineering will that keeps it afloat. Flightline was shot on Kodak T-Max 100, Arista 100, and Fuji Pro 400H. Flightline was shot on location under the arriving flightpath of runway 24R at LAX.